Nigel's head

About me

I help with finding the right 'it'
before building 'it' right.

I think strategically, work collaboratively
and try to do it all without taking myself too seriously.

I am looking for opportunities in a data
or developer team to work on gnarly business problems.

My passion is to help people and improve their lives.
Curiosity hasn't killed my cat.

I want to use my skills in data, code, design
and innovation to deliver tangible results.

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Tableau chart showing parking bay occupancy near Victoria Market in Melbourne Australia


SQL, Python, Tableau and PowerBI. I have used them all.
Ask me about joins. Or CTEs. Even ERDs. I'm ok with that.

To highlight some of my work and exploration, I have shared some mini case studies such as which parking bays near Victoria Market in Melbourne could be repurposed for other uses?

Curious? See more


Git / Github, html, CSS, Javascript.
Loops, Functions, Classes, Object Oriented Programming, APIs.
Behaviour Driven Development with Jasmine.
These are a few of my favourite things.
Oh, and there is nothing I like better than a good desk check.

Link to my deployed task app Link to my task app repo


I spent 2015 to early 2020 working in design and innovation.

I think of these as my 'qualitative' years as they were spent in the service of, collaborating with and talking to lots of customers in retail, health, banking, law, superannuation... and more!

I can run a high-octane design sprint, conduct user testing, prototype a digital product
and do scenario-based or heuristic reviews.

poster with outcomes as title covered in colourful post-it notes

Data driven health

Prototyping new ways of presenting data associated with training and accreditation

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Presenter standing at front of room talking to group with large tv display behind

CRM Service Redesign

Challenge: find new ways of serving the public and standardise business processes along the way...

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facilitator sitting at table with 4 other people, large display screen in background

Career Conversations

Redesigning career conversations to empower managers and staff.

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Design Sprint

Using design thinking and a design sprint approach to explore new ideas for marketing.

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